Graepel Italiana is one of Italy??s and Europe??s leading manufacturers of perforated metals and grilles. With 7 all across perforating lines, one CAPS and many other high tech machineries a total quantity of more than 20.000 tons per year of raw material can be processed. All our perforating presses belong to the latest technology standard. All the across presses reach speeds of 500 strokes/min., 500 t of pressure and can perforate material up to 1500 mm width, while CAPS can perforate sheets of 5000 mm length, 2000 mm width and 15 mm thickness. Some 200 other machines, like high speed CNC turret presses, hydraulic and eccentric presses, CNC press brakes and bending presses, CN shears, welding facilities and welding robots provide a wide range of possible metalworking. A well equipped tool room provides the production department with always up-to date dies and tools. In a separate division a wide range of high tech metal furniture and home accessories are developed and manufactured.
Introducing ourselves
GRAEPEL ITALIANA SPA manufactures following products