Actimeca Jamois cooperate closely with your Methods, Manufacturing and Quality managers, and your Laboratories to study your requirements in terms of tools and their design based on the specifications, right through to the manufacture of the parts from drawings and overseeing assembly, contributing advice and reactivity to every stage.
Parc machines ACTIMECA JAMOIS au 01/12/08
Milling machine 5 axes HURON UGV K2X8Five HEIDENHAIM TNC 530 X Y Z : 650 x 700 x 450
Milling machine 5 axes HURON GAMBIN HEIDENHAIM TNC 430 X Y Z : 2500 x 700 x 840
Milling machine 5 axes DMG DMU Evolution HEIDENHAIM TNC 430 X Y Z : 500 x 420 x 380
Milling machine 4 axes HERMLE VWF 1200H HEIDENHAIM TNC 428 X Y Z : 850 x 630 x 500
Milling machine 4 axes MIKRON VCE500 X Y Z : 500 x 400 x 500
Milling machine HERMLE VWF 1001 HEIDENHAIM TNC 428 X Y Z : 700 x 550 x 500
Milling machine HURCO VMX30 X Y Z : 760 x 510 x 610
Milling machine DUFOUR 302 conventionnelle X Y Z : 1300 x 400 x 550
Turning machine OKUMA LB 300 MYW Axes fraisage C + Y - Bibroche ?? maxi 50 en barres - lg maxi 500
Turning machine OKUMA Outils motoris??s LB 300 OSP P200L ?? maxi 340 - lg maxi 1000
Turning machine OKUMA Outils motoris??s CB 300 mc 500 ?? maxi 340 - lg maxi 500
Turning machine SCHAUBLIN Outils motoris??s ?? maxi 25 en barres - lg maxi 220
Turning machine SOMAB UNIMAB 400 NUM ?? maxi 350 - Lg maxi 770
Turning machine TACCHY SABRE 400 conventionnel ?? maxi 800 - Lg maxi entre pointe 4200
Turning machine RAMO A60 conventionnel ?? maxi 600 - Lg maxi entre pointe 1500
Grinding machine Inter / Exter JONES & SHIPMAN 1300 EIU ?? Maxi : 250 - EP 685
Grinding machine Inter / Exter JONES & SHIPMAN 1300 X ?? Maxi : 350 - EP 685
Grinding machine Inter / Exter COMETA HMI 1000 ?? Maxi : 480 - EP 1000
Grinding machine plane SIT HLT 650 LxTxV : 700 x 270 x 480
Grinding machine plane BLOHM HF 5512 LxTxV : 1200 x 550 x 600
Projecteur de profil MITUTOYO, MICROPAK 5 MK
Tridimensionnelle Brown & Sharp
Banc d????talonnage ZOLLER reconnaissance automatique d??outi