1/4" Flexible Ten Foot Long Shear Offers High Carbon & High Chrome Reversible Knives
Betenbender Mfg. is pleased to announce the introduction of the 10-250 model hydraulic shear designed to make consistent razor sharp cuts repeatedly over long periods of time.
The unit includes modified high carbon and high chrome reversible knives offering four separate edges for clean cuts along with easy gap adjustment to insure precise cuts for a wide variety of materials.
The Betenbender shear is capable of shearing ¼” material to the following tolerance: Dimension - The width of the cut off portion of the work piece is within +- 0.005 inch of the backguage setting.
Other features include push button and footswitch controls, rake angle adjustment to minimize distortion, and a 4 foot squaring arm with a recessed scale making for fast easy measurement.
The electrical system meets NFPA 79 and construction requirements of the ANSI B11.4.
All machines have disconnect switches, magnetic starters, 110/120v controls 208-230/460v 3 phase, additional ranges are available upon request.