Birkett Cutmaster extends its range of pulse cutting bandsaws
Birkett Cutmaster's Amada PCSAW430AX and PCSAW530AX, single pulse bandsaws complement the existing PCSAW330 and double pulse cutting PCSAW700.
In operation, the pulse cutting action of the PCSAW is provided by a special high output servomotor, which ensures constant blade speed control of the longitudinal force and eliminates vibration in the cutting area.
In effect, for the first pulse, the servo drive wheel sends another vibration to cancel out the frictional vibration of the blade. The second pulse enhances penetration force by sending vibration dampening pulses to the blade.
These mechanically induced pulses are created by a very precise set of multi-lobe cams mounted above the blade, spinning at a predetermined rpm to strike the blade at exactly the same time thus producing successive pulses that assure proper damping.
These successive pulses reduce cutting resistance and tooth chipping, enabling increased blade life and improved surface finishes.
Cutting Edge Technology for World Markets
From its Head Offices and main production facility in Japan, Amada operates through a network of distribution centres and selling agents in many parts of the world, including North and South America, Europe, Asia and Oceana. The strong feedback of information from customers, worldwide, has enabled Amada to develop a range of outstanding bandsaws, Circular saws, blades and consumables which cost-effectively satisfy myriad cutting requirements in a variety of industries.
The most recent machines to be introduced to world markets include the PCSAW 330 and PCSAW 700 Â a range of bandsaws which utilise pulse oscillation in horizontal and vertical directions to provide a variety of user benefits. The use of pulse oscillation technology in these machines is acknowledged as the biggest breakthrough in bandsaw technology for more than 50 years.